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Tasks (acoupi framework)#

Tasks are individual units of work performing a set of specific actions. These are built as a sequence of one or more acoupi components. The acoupi framework defines 6 tasks recording, detection, messaging, management, summary, and heartbeat.

Overview Tasks#

a dummy acoupi task
import logging
from typing import Optional

from acoupi import data
from acoupi.components import types

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def generate_dummy_acoupi_task(
    component_1: types.DummyComponent1,
    component_2: types.DummyComponent2,
    logger: logging.Logger = logger, 
) -> Optional[data.DataSchema]:
    """Generate a dummy task using various acoupi components."""

    def dummy_acoupi_task() -> Optional[data.DataSchema]:
        """Create the structure of a dummy task."""

        output = component_1.associated_method_one()
        result = component_2.associated_method_two(output)"Dummy Task result is: {result}")

    return dummy_acoupi_task


The Recording task is responsible for recording an audio file and storing the metadata in the store. The recording task builds upon the acoupi components: AudioRecorder to capture the audio, RecordingCondition to determine whether a recording should occur, and Store to save the metadata of a recording.

Figure 1: Overview of the recording task
Example of the audio recording task. The audio recording is made of various acoupi components: RecordingCondition, RecordingScheduler, AudioRecording, and Store.

Structure of a recording task

from acoupi import components, tasks

recording_task = tasks.generate_recording_task(


The Detection task is responsible for processing audio files. The task builds upon the acoupi components: ProcessingFilter to determine if a recording should be processed, Model to run an audio classifier model, ModelOutputCleaner to cleans the model outputs, MessageBuilder to generate messages with the detected information, and Store and MessageStore to save the metadata of the procesed recordings and store the messages to be sent.

Figure 2: Overview of the detection task
Example of the detection task. The detection process audio recordings, it is made of various acoupi components: Model, ModelOutputCleaner, Store, MessageBuilder, and MessageStore.

Structure of a detection task using BatDetect2 classifier

from typing import Optional

from acoupi import components, data, tasks

from acoupi_batdetect2.model import BatDetect2

recording_task = tasks.generate_detection_task(


The Messaging task is responsible responsible for communication with a remote server. It uses the Messenger component to define the communication protocol for sending messages, and the MessageStore component to check if there are any pending messages to need to be sent.


The Management task is responsible for managing recording files. It handles the saving, deletion, and movement of files using the SavingFilters and SavingManagers components, and keep track of files movements by updating the store.

Figure 3: Overview of the messaging and management tasks
Example of the messaging and management tasks. The message task sends messages to a remote server, while the management task handles the movement, saving, and deletion of recordings. Components used in both tasks include: Messenger, SavingFilters, SavingManagers, Store, and MessageStore.


The Summary task is responsible for generating summary messages to be sent to a remote server. It uses the Summariser component along with the Messenger component to define the communication protocol for sending these messages.

The summary task is useful for providing aggregated information on detections over specific time periods such as hourly, daily, or weekly.


The Heartbeat task is responsible for creating and sending heartbeat to a remote server. Heartbeat messages confirm that a remotely deployed device is up and running. They are sent at regular intervals so that if a message isn't received as expected, the user is alerted that there might be an issue with the system, such as a power outage or loss of connectivity.

By default, a heartbeat message contains two key pieces of information: the device ID and the timestamp when the message was created and sent. The task uses the Messenger component to define the communication protocol for sending these messages.

Heartbeat tasks are also useful for sending updates like program status or daily reports, including details about available storage and battery capacity.

Understanding Tasks#

In an acoupi program, tasks are characterised by three elements:

  • Function: The functionality of the task. This is the sequence of acoupi components specifiying what actions the task perform.
  • Schedule: When and how often the task runs (e.g., continuously, at specific intervals, triggered by an event).
  • Dependencies: How the task relates to other tasks in the program (e.g., does it need to run before or after another task?).

Please refer to Explanation: System Section to learn more about the registration and orchestration of the tasks in an acoupi program using the Celery app.