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Data# #

Data objects for acoupi System.


BoundingBox #

Bases: BaseModel

BoundingBox to locate a sound event in time and frequency.

All time values are in seconds and all frequency values are in Hz.

coordinates: Tuple[float, float, float, float] instance-attribute #
type: str = 'BoundingBox' class-attribute instance-attribute #
from_coordinates(start_time, low_freq, end_time, high_freq) classmethod #

Create a BoundingBox from coordinates.

validate_coordinates(value) #

Validate that the coordinates are within range.

Deployment #

Bases: BaseModel

A Deployment captures information about the device deployment.

This includes the latitude, longitude, and deployment start.

ended_on: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The datetime when the deployment ended.

id: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The unique ID of the deployment.

latitude: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The latitude of the site where the device is deployed.

longitude: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The longitude of the site where the device is deployed.

name: str instance-attribute #

User provided name of the deployment.

started_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #

The datetime when the device was deployed.

validate_latitude(value) #

Validate that the latitude are within range.

validate_longitude(value) #

Validate that the longitude are within range.

Detection #

Bases: BaseModel

A Detection is a single prediction from a model.

detection_score: float = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The score of the detection.

id: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The unique ID of the detection

location: Optional[BoundingBox] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The location of the detection in the recording.

tags: List[PredictedTag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The tags predicted by the model for the detection.

sort_tags(value) #

Sort tags.

validate_score(value) #

Validate that the score is between 0 and 1.

Message #

Bases: BaseModel

The message to be sent to the remote server.

content: str instance-attribute #

The message to be sent. Usually a JSON string.

created_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #

The datetime when the message was created.

id: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The unique ID of the message.

ModelOutput #

Bases: BaseModel

The output of a model.

created_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #

The datetime when the model output was created.

detections: List[Detection] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #

List of predicted sound events in the recording.

id: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The unique ID of the model output.

name_model: str instance-attribute #

The name of the model that produced the output.

recording: Recording instance-attribute #

The recording that was used as input to the model.

tags: List[PredictedTag] = Field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The tags predicted by the model at the recording level.

sort_detections(value) #

Sort detections by ID.

sort_tags(value) #

Sort tags.

PredictedTag #

Bases: BaseModel

A PredictedTag is a label predicted by a model.

It consists of a key, a value and a score.

confidence_score: float = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The confidence score of the predicted tag.

tag: Tag instance-attribute #

The tag predicted by the model.

validate_score(value) #

Validate that the score is between 0 and 1.

Recording #

Bases: BaseModel

A Recording is a single audio file recorded from the microphone.

audio_channels: Optional[int] = Field(default=1, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The number of audio_channels in the recording.

chunksize: Optional[int] = Field(default=4096, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The chunksize of the audio file in bytes. Defaults to 4096.

created_on: datetime.datetime = Field(, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The datetime when the recording was made

deployment: Deployment = Field(repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The deployment that the recording belongs to

duration: float = Field(repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The duration of the recording in seconds

id: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4, repr=True) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The unique ID of the recording

path: Optional[Path] = Field(None, repr=True) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The path to the audio file in the local filesystem

samplerate: int = Field(repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The samplerate of the recording in Hz

validate_audio_channels(value) #

Validate that the number of audio_channels is greater than 1.

validate_duration(value) #

Validate that the duration is greater than 0.

validate_samplerate(value) #

Validate that the samplerate is greater than 0.

Response #

Bases: BaseModel

The response from sending a message.

content: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The content of the response.

message: Message instance-attribute #

The message that was sent.

received_on: datetime.datetime = Field( class-attribute instance-attribute #

The datetime the message was received.

status: ResponseStatus instance-attribute #

The status of the message.

ResponseStatus #

Bases: IntEnum

The status of a message.

ERROR = 2 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The message was sent, but there was an error.

FAILED = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The message failed to send.

SUCCESS = 0 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The message was received successfully.

TIMEOUT = 3 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The message timed out.

Tag #

Bases: BaseModel

A Tag is a label for a recording.

key: str instance-attribute #

The key of the tag.

value: str instance-attribute #

The value of the tag.

validate_key(value) #

Validate that the key is not empty.

validate_value(value) #

Validate that the value is not empty.

TimeInterval #

Bases: BaseModel

An interval of time between two times of day.

end: datetime.time instance-attribute #

End time of the interval.

start: datetime.time instance-attribute #

Start time of the interval.