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Once acoupi has been installed on a device, users can configure a pre-built program. acoupi comes with default settings, which users can either accept or customise through the command line interface (CLI).

Configuring acoupi programs via the CLI#

  • default program: The acoupi default program is the most simplest program, handling only two tasks: recording and managing audio files.
  • connected program: The acoupi connected program extends the default program by adding messaging capabilities, allowing users to send messages to a remote server.

To select and configure your prefered acoupi program, use of the following commands:

CLI Command: acoupi default program

acoupi setup --program acoupi.programs.default

CLI Command: acoupi connected program

acoupi setup --program acoupi.programs.connected

Based on the selected program, users will be prompted with several questions during setup. To accept the default values, press the keyboard letter y or the key Enter. To reject and modify a setting, press the keyboard letter n and input a new value.

The video shows the configuration process for the acoupi default program via the CLI.

Configuration Parameters#


Below is an example of the configured parameters for the default program in JSON format.

Audio recordings have a duration of 10 seconds and occur every 30 seconds between 4am and 11pm. However, recordings are only saved between 11am and 3pm, and during a 30-minute window before and after dawn and dusk.

The values 0 for frequency_duration and frequency_interval indicate that no frequency filter is applied to save recordings.

The database storing the execution of acoupi tasks and recordings of audion files is located in the storages/ folder in the home directory.

CLI Command: view program configuration after setup

acoupi config get

CLI Output: acoupi config get

  "timezone": "Europe/London",
  "microphone": {
    "device_name": "UltraMic 250K 16 bit r4",
    "samplerate": 250000,
    "audio_channels": 1
  "recording": {
    "duration": 10,
    "interval": 30,
    "chunksize": 8192,
    "schedule_start": "04:00:00",
    "schedule_end": "23:00:00"
  "paths": {
    "tmp_audio": "/run/shm",
    "recordings": "/home/pi/storages/recordings",
    "db_metadata": "/home/pi/storages/metadata.db"
  "recording_saving": {
    "starttime": "11:00:00",
    "endtime": "15:00:00",
    "before_dawndusk_duration": 30,
    "after_dawndusk_duration": 30,
    "frequency_duration": 0,
    "frequency_interval": 0

How to modify a value after setup?

You can modify the value of a parameter after an acoupi program has been set up. This can be necessary either due to a misconfiguration or to make changes to the current program. To modify a parameter, use the command:

CLI Command: modify a configuration parameter after setup

acoupi config set --field <parameter_name> <new_value>

Replace the parameter_name with the full name of the parameter to modified. For example, to update the recording start time to 10am, the CLI command would be as follow:

CLI Command: modify recording start time

acoupi config set --field recording.schedule_start 10:00:00

The table below provides detailed information about the parameters available when setting up acoupi default program.

Parameter Type Default Value Definition Comment
Microphone Microphone configuration.
microphone.device_name string - Will show the name of the connected usb microphone. Ensure it matches the device in use.
microphone.samplerate int (Hz) - Sampling rate of the microphone in Hz. Set the sampling rate according to the microphone's specifications.
microphone.audio_channels int - Number of audio channels (i.e., 1 for mono). Configure according to the microphone's capabilities.
Recording Microphone configuration.
recording.duration int (sec.) 3 Duration in seconds for each audio recording. Best kept at 3 seconds when using acoupi with ML classifiers models (e.g., batdetect2, birdnet) for optimal performance.
recording.interval int (sec.) 10 Interval in seconds between recordings. Some pre-built programs with ML models (e.g., batdetect2) require processing time. This interval helps maintain good performance.
recording.chunksize int 8192 Chunksize of the audio recording. An error will occur if the chunksize is too small for the audio device.
schedule_start time (HH:MM:SS) 06:00:00 Time of day when recordings will start (24-hour format). Adjust according to specific monitoring needs (e.g., nightime hours).
schedule_end time (HH:MM:SS) 18:00:00 Time of day when recordings will end (24-hour format). Adjust according to specific monitoring needs (e.g., nightime hours).
timezone string "Europe/London" Timezone of the sensor location. Configure this according to your deployment region.
Paths Configuration for file paths.
paths.tmp_audio str "/run/shm" Temporary storage path for audio recordings. Temporary in-memory path. Do not modify.
paths.recordings str "/home/pi/storages/recordings" Path to directory storing recorded audio files. Modify accordingly. With default paths, recordings are stored on the SDCard, modify if using external usb hardrive.
paths.db_metadata str "/home/pi/storages/metadata.db" Path to the database file storing the metadata. This .db keeps track of recorded files, ML detection results, and system information.
Recording Saving (Optional) N/A - Configuration for saving recorded audio files.
recording_saving.starttime time (HH:MM:SS) "18:30:00" Start time for saving recorded audio files (24-hour format). Insert 00:00:00 to not use this parameter to save audio recordings.
recording_saving.endtime time (HH:MM:SS) "20:00:00" End time for saving recorded audio files (24-hour format) Insert 00:00:00 to not use this parameter to save audio recordings.
recording_saving.before_dawndusk_duration int (min.) 10 Additional duration (in minutes) to save recordings before the dawn/dusk time. Ensure recording interval covers the dawn and dusk time if using this parameter.
recording_saving.after_dawndusk_duration int (min.) 10 Additional duration (in minutes) to save recordings after the dawn/dusk time. Ensure recording interval covers the dawn and dusk time if using this parameter.
recording_saving.frequency_duration int (min.) 5 Duration in minutes for storing recordings when using the frequency filter. Set to zero if not using this parameter.
recording_saving.frequency_interval int (min.) 30 eriodic interval in minutes between two periods of storing recordings. Set to zero if not using this parameter.


The acoupi connected program extends the acoupi default program by adding configuration options for sending messages to a remote server. It retains all the settings from the acoupi default program but introduces new parameters for network communication.

Messages can be sent using either the HTTP or MQTT protocol. At least one of these protocols must be configured. If neither protocol is setup, the program will raise an error.

The messages and their statuses, indicating if they have been sent, and whether this was a success or a failure, are stored in a database called messages.db. By default, this file is located in the storages/ folder in the home directory.

The message_send_interval parameter controls how frequently the acoupi program checks for new messages to send (i.e., 120 seconds by default). Similarly, the heartbeat_interval determines how often a heartbeat_messageis sent (i.e., 10 minutes by default).

CLI Output: acoupi config get

  "recording": {},
  "paths": {},
  "messaging": {
    "messages_db": "/home/pi/storages/messages.db",
    "message_send_interval": 120,
    "heartbeat_interval": 600,
    "http": {
      "base_url": "",
      "content_type": "application/json",
      "timeout": 5
    "mqtt": {
      "host": "",
      "username": "test_username",
      "password": "mqtt_password",
      "topic": "acoupi",
      "port": 1884,
      "timeout": 5
  "recording_saving": {},

The table below provides detailed information about the supplementary parameters available when setting up acoupi connected program.

Parameter Type Default Value Definition Comment
Paths Configuration for file paths.
messaging.messages_db str "/home/pi/storages/messages.db" Path to the database file storing messages. This .db keeps track of the messages to be sent to a remote server and their sending/receiving status.
Messaging Configuration for sending messages to remote server. Will require access to network connectivity at the location of your device deployment.
messaging.message_send_interval int (sec.) 120 Interval in seconds for sending messages to the remote server. Adjust for network performance and data bandwidth.
messaging.heartbeat_interval int (sec.) 600 Interval in seconds for sending heartbeat messages to the server. Heartbeat message provides information about the device status (i.e., the correct functioning of the device).
Messaging HTTP Configuration for sending messages via HTTP.
messaging.http.base_url str - URL of the HTTP server to which messages are sent. Configure according to your server setup.
messaging.http.content_type str application/json Content type of the HTTP messages. Messages to be sent are formated into a json object.
messaging.http.timeout int (sec) - Timeout for HTTP requres in seconds..
Messaging MQTT Configuration for sending messages via MQTT. str - MQTT server hostname for message transmission. Configure according to your server setup.
messaging.mqtt.username str - Username for authentication with the MQTT broker. Replace with your server username.
messaging.mqtt.password str - Password for authentication with the MQTT broker. Replace with your server password.
messaging.mqtt.topic str "acoupi" Topic on the MQTT broker to publish messages Replace with your server setup.
messaging.mqtt.port int 1884 Port number of the MQTT broker. Default port is usually fine unless other setup on your server.
messaging.mqtt.timeout int (sec) 5 Timeout for connecting to the MQTT broker in seconds.